letter to the editor

Re-elect Rep. Doudera to the Maine House of Representatives

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 8:45pm

I am writing in support of Vicki Doudera’s re-election  as Representative for Maine’s House District 41. (Camden and Rockport) For over twenty years I’ve observed that Vicki is thoughtful, respectful, fair, reliable and energetic.  She brings these qualities to whatever she focuses her attention on.  We in District 41 are fortunate to have her as our state representative. In politics, in business and in life, ability, character and experience matter.  

She is the kind of community leader that I want in Augusta representing the interests of my community and my state.  Vicki has a broad life experience as a small business owner, as a first responder, as President of Habitat for Humanity and as a board member in other community organizations like the Chamber of Commerce and the Camden Shakespeare Company. She is also an author, a wife, a mother and a grandmother.

Vicki has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the people who live here.  She does her homework, she listens to her constituents and she knows how to collaborate and get things done.  Vicki has earned a third term.  I urge everyone in District 41 to re-elect Representative Doudera to the Maine House of Representatives.

Linda Zeigler lives in Camden