Volunteers light up Camden, weaving festive lights into holiday wreaths

Sat, 12/05/2020 - 4:45pm
Camden’s downtown got brighter and more festive this past week, thanks to a merry band of volunteers.
The Camden Garden Club usually provides the lights on the wreaths and puts them on the wreaths before they go up.  Garden Club members had to cancel their home tour this year, so they did not have the funds to provide the lights, and the wreaths went up without lights.
West Bay Rotarian Kristen Lindquist saw a Facebook post from Camden Parks and Recreation Asst. Director Holly Anderson asking for community help to buy and install lights.
Kristen suggested that the West Bay club could help, and that’s when the action started. An anonymous donation made the lights possible,  “but when Holly called our club member, Sandy Cox, to see if we could help put them up, of course we said yes,” said Rotarian Deborah Fink. “Lights went up on Main Street later that evening when the three in the picture met Holly downtown.”
Pedestrians thanked for the volunteers for putting up the lights, and local Facebook pages lit up with likes and shares.  
“I’m never surprised when our club steps up, but it was amazing to see how quickly this got done and how happy it made so many people,” said Fink.