Dan Matlack and Greg Dorr

"A Return to Nepal for Two Friends” recounts trip, May 23

Event has passed

    CAMDEN — The Camden Public Library welcomes travelers Dan Matlack and Greg Dorr for a travel program on Thursday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m., recounting their original experiences in Nepal and their recent return trip. Dorr traveled to Nepal in 1974, and Matlack lived there in the Peace Corps from 1984-1986. After all these years, they recently returned to Nepal together. They will share an account of their experiences in Nepal then, and now. This program will be in-person only. 

    Their return trip included three sections: A two-week trek around the Annapurna Massif, walking up the Manang River to the 17,700 foot Thorung La Pass; a week-long visit to a hospital that opened in 2011 in the district of Achham, in remote the Far Western Region (Dan’s former Peace Corps post); and a week in Kathmandu.
    Dorr and Matlack will share photos and adventures from each portion of the trip and adapt their presentation if there is particular interest from the audience about any part of the trip. 
    Greg Dorr is a retired attorney who has lived in Camden for many years after living and working in states farther south. He and his wife, Susan, have been active for years in various town affairs. After Dorr retired in 2007 he and Susan joined the US Peace Corps and served in Malawi for two years. Keenly interested in anthropology and travel, he also plays the fiddle and mandolin and is an active volunteer in local organizations including Midcoast Habitat for Humanity’s Restore. 

    Dan Matlack was a Latin teacher and admission officer in independent schools. Prior to teaching he served in the US Peace Corps in Nepal from 1984-1986. Blessed by a long standing family connection to Camden, he spent six summers in Camden working for restaurants and contractors, lived here for a year before heading to Nepal, and then retired here with his wife, Allison, in 2021. Broadly interested in history, geography, and languages as well as teaching he led student trips to Europe and India. He also volunteers locally. He met Greg working for Midcoast Habitat for Humanity’s Restore two years ago. 

    Event Date: 

    Thu, 05/23/2024 - 6:30pm

    Event Location: 

    Camden Public Library


    Camden Public Library
    Camden, ME 04843
    United States