Camden National Bank assumes lease of 89 Elm Street as TD Bank departs Camden

Tue, 05/07/2024 - 1:00pm

    CAMDEN – As one bank leaves Camden, another bank is moving into the vacated office building.

    As of April, Camden National Bank assumed the lease of 89 Elm Street, where for many years TD Bank had been doing business.

    Renée Smyth, Chief Experience and Marketing Officer at Camden National Bank, said May 6 that when TD Bank left the area, the building’s owner asked Camden National if it would be interested in the large space.

    The bank was, and its executive team is now mulling over how best to use it.

    “We are in the process of thinking it through, and strategically what we want to do,” she said.

    There are no plans to vacate either the downtown anchor location of Camden National – that is iconic to the bank and headquarters for the bank’s CFO and CEO. Likewise, the bank plans to stay at the Hannaford Plaza branch.

    “All is staying as is,” said Smyth.

    The downtown Camden National building is foundational to the bank.

    “It is a cornerstone for us,” she said. And the Camden community is the heart and soul of the bank, Smyth added.

    The only new development is that Camden National will locate an ATM machine at the 89 Elm Street location, where there already is a drive-through window.

    The two-story commercial building was constructed in 1980 and is assessed at $1.1 million. The parcel of land at .83 acres is assessed at $297,700.

    Reach Editorial Director Lynda Clancy at; 207-706-6657