letter to the editor

Vote Nov. 8 for Pinny Beebe-Center to represent Knox County in Maine Senate

Tue, 09/06/2022 - 11:15am

I hope the people of Knox County recognize how fortunate we are that Pinny Beebe-Center, with her vast experience in dealing with the community’s serious needs, has decided to run for the Maine Senate. 

Pinny has been a Knox County Commissioner, served three terms in the Maine Legislature, helped establish the Homeless Coalition, served as interim head of New Hope for Women, and has worked with the Sheriff on restorative justice practices. 

I met her when we were both on the board of Area Interfaith Outreach (AIO) food pantry and emergency assistance.  When I was president for several years, she was my primary support, keeping me going.  I’m immensely fond of her and grateful. 

Pinny is an authentic public servant, stepping in wherever needed with good sense and a kind heart, with years of experience in getting things done.

Everyone, please vote on November 8 for Pinny Beebe-Center to represent Knox County in the Maine Senate.  She will do much good there.

Sherry Cobb lives in Union