In Support of Jason Trundy for Waldo County Sheriff

Mon, 08/22/2022 - 1:15pm

I would like to take a moment and offer this letter of support to Jason Trundy for Sheriff of Waldo County. 

Having spent most of my law enforcement career at the Waldo County Sheriff’s Office, I was truly blessed to have worked with some incredible individuals.  As Chief Deputy and Sheriff for the better part of 16 years combined, I had the opportunity to watch many of those individuals work hard and serve the County in exemplary fashion. 

Jason was no exception to this however was exceptional.  This type of service requires many things, first and foremost is great work ethic.  Jason has always been that individual who worked to get the job done without worry about what time the clock read. 

Personal growth would be another quality that is required for an individual to excel in the law enforcement and leadership environments.  I watched as Jason Trundy worked his way up through the ranks from a Corrections Officer and Patrol Deputy, all the way to his current position of Chief Deputy. 

In between he served as a Detective, Jail Administrator and Patrol Lieutenant. He did not get there by simply putting in his time, he got there by constantly working towards personal and professional growth to become the best he could be in those capacities.   

Fairness and a willingness to look at all sides of situations is one quality that I respect the most in Jason Trundy.  

On occasions too numerous to list, Jason assisted me in making difficult decisions during my tenure as Sheriff.  He did so by always bringing both sides of any given situation to light and offering options for successful conclusions.  Jason always brought thoughtfulness to any situation rather than knee jerk reactions, and in doing so, managed to help in keeping the Sheriff’s Office on the high road. 

Jason has another quality that in this day and age is absolutely mandatory for any leader in law enforcement, and that is his view of the community as a partner and not an adversary. 

It is unfortunate that since my retirement a number of years ago, I have been witness to a growing separation of communities in our nation from law enforcement for a number of reasons.   This cannot continue without horrific results.  I believe Waldo County has been and will continue to be an example of how those relationships and partnerships should go.   I am confident that Jason Trundy will continue to serve the community as not only their Sheriff, but as their partner in maintaining a quality of life in Waldo County that we all want.  

Please join me in supporting Jason Trundy for Sheriff of Waldo County!

Scott Story lives in Monroe