letter to the editor

Driving With Chip

Tue, 10/11/2022 - 6:45pm

I don’t easily give up my limited spare time these days. Yet, I find myself volunteering to drive my State Senator Chip Curry door-to-door throughout Waldo County. It’s important that our representatives understand the lives and needs of folks in their community and there’s no better way to do this than to meet people where they are and ask meaningful questions.

Driving with Chip reaffirms my belief that he is the right person for the job. I get to bend his ear about the issues that are of concern to me as a working mother and town selectperson - knowing that he will keep working to strengthen our schools, emergency services, environment, and economy. He’s a damn good Senator, and the more people meet him, the more handily he will win re-election.

One particularly memorable afternoon of driving door-to-door we experienced a fitting example of the breadth and beauty of Waldo County: In one dooryard, a small child on a bike handed Chip a dandelion while their mom talked about the importance of their local public school. At the next stop, a man in a truck smoking a cigarette handed Chip his clip and talked about the high price of ammo (and well-near everything else) these days. From flowers to ammo, Chip knows and loves this community.

Chip does his research, talks with stakeholders, and legislates accordingly. He is a person of integrity, and earnest values which are shared by so many hard working families and people in Waldo County. If you are looking for a genuine person with the skills, smarts, and local non-partisan focus to represent us, join me in voting to re-elect Chip Curry for a second term in the Maine State Senate.

Breanna Pinkham Bebb lives in Northport